Friday, January 2, 2015

Whole30 dinner#2

Day 2 of whole 30 has already been so challenging. I realized I snack ALOT throughout the day. A handful of chocolate chips here, a Hawaiian sweet roll there, a homemade cookie over there. Really BAD eating habits. Its why I don't have abs. Its why my legs don't show how powerful they really are. They are covered by my bad eating habit flab. Im pretty dramatic I know. Id like to mention that today I back squatted 175# !!!! that's a 20# Personal Record from just a few weeks ago. Maybe this extra bulk I put on from eating so much (I did eat really healthy meals for the most part) has helped me with my gains. Now to see what my diet can do. (that little phrase will get repetitive I know)
So I love acorn squash. Its 100% my favorite. I usually half it and throw some pineapple and apple in the center and bake it for an hour. I didn't have time for that today so I cut it up and put it in my cast iron skillet with coconut oil and fresh pineapple and cinnamon. It was so good !! You can see I used my grill pan for the steak. I seasoned with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Honestly that's the best way to make steak ;] (besides using an actual grill) and I like to cook asparagus in EVOO, s&P. I really never use much salt on stuff. Just a tiny sprinkle. I like to put kosher salt on steak and let it sit all day if I remember and then get most of it off before I cook it. So yumm. I was short for time today though.
Fun Fact: Ive never washed my cast iron pans ;] My husband has..and boy I was mad. My Uncle Jim taught me that.

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